What Are the 10 Most Common Interview Questions And Answers

What Are the 10 Most Common Interview Questions And Answers


Are you experiencing stress and anxiety, thinking about how you would perform in the upcoming interview? No worries. We all experience a certain level of nervousness when it comes to appearing for an interview. 

The fun fact is it is pretty normal. But why budge when we are at your back? So, let’s tell you about what are the 10 most common interview questions and answers that can help you better prepare for any interview.
In this journey to learn about the most common interview questions, we will explain the steps you can take to perform extraordinarily during your interview. 

So, if you are looking for what are good interview answers, we have brought you the best interview tips that will help you tackle some common interview questions.

Some Prerequisites Before Going For The Interview

What are 10 Most Common Interview Questions and Answers
Some Prerequisites Before Going For The Interview

The interview is a special moment in everyone’s life, so it deserves to be treated as such. Therefore, it is important to establish some interview ethics to land a job.

  1. Observe The Formal Dress Code

This can’t be emphasised more. Your first impression is the way you are dressed up. Flunking during this stage may create a bad image in the interviewer’s mind. So, the best way to avoid any unnecessary trouble is to put on a decent but equipped suit.

  1. Pre-defined Salary Expectations

You should be clear in your mind what are your salary expectations. Deciding at the eleventh hour may let the interviewer know that you are not prepared for the interview. So, on your part, it is an important interview preparation technique.

  1. Bringing an Updated Resume

The first thing an interviewer asks you to do is show your resume. Remember to bring it along with you. Your resume must also be updated to avoid any complications. This will also assure the interviewer that you didn’t show up out of anywhere rather well-prepared for the interview.

Why Is It Important To Prepare For the Interview?

People out there take interviews as a big deal. No doubt it is. But not something that should shackle one’s flesh just because one is going to be interviewed. 

Why you should prepare for interview
The Importance of Interview Preparation

Nevertheless! Your performance in an interview matters a lot. Hence, interview preparation, in this regard, is a must to land a job.

  1. To Get Hired

Apparently, everyone wants to get hired for the position they applied for. However, statistics have something else to say. According to the survey conducted by Interview Success Formula, out of 20% of people called for an interview, only 5% succeeded in getting hired.

You see, how important it is to prepare for the interview?

  1. Demonstrates Professionalism

Your preparation for the interview also demonstrates your professionalism. When job interview questions are asked, your instant answer portrays an image of professionalism. That’s why interview preparation is important.

For instance, if your employer asks the most asked question in interviews, “Tell me about yourself,” your detailed answer will define how professional you are in your workplace dealings.

  1. Confident and Qualitative Answers

Your preparation for the interview enhances the quality of your answers. You may be surprised to know that employers also judge individuals by analyzing the quality of their answers.

 As a result, it helps them better understand who is the best fit for the role offered. 

The 10 Most Common Interview Questions and Answers

The Internet is littered with queries regarding interview questions. Part of the reason is that people don’t fully prepare for the interview. So, no beating around the bush, and let’s explore more about interview preparation and what are good interview answers. Stick around!

Question 1: Tell Us About Yourself

As expected, this is usually the very first and one of the most asked questions in interview. Remember, this question is said to be a game changer because it creates your first impression.

The more craftily it is presented, the more chances that you won’t be stuck in other questions. The dilemma is that because individuals don’t prepare for the interview, most of them get stuck in the very first section of the interview. Unless you know how do you introduce yourself in interview, your career growth will remain in peril.

Let us explain this by an example. In response to this question, you can start like this.

Example: “With a strong background in administration, management, and front desk operations, I excel in delivering exceptional customer service and promoting positive relationships. My whole journey is beset with the personal and professional growth of others and mine as well. As for my hobbies, I like travelling and exploring thrilling adventures”

It is important to remember that your answer should be concise and to the point but capture the whole essence of your journey. You can also add any extraordinary projects you did in the past. Doing this will project you as a capable and well-prepared candidate and may even enhance your chances of selection.

So that was all about one of the very first job interview questions and how to give a self-introduction in interview. Let’s move forward to the second question.

Question 2: Why We Should Hire You?

Explaining why you are the best fit for the role can be challenging, and your answer may not align with what the interviewer is looking for. So, to keep yourself out of the woods, it is advisable to thoroughly examine what this role is all about. You can also visit the company’s website and learn about the services it offers.

It’s ironic that job seekers hardly pay heed to the job description. According to a local survey conducted on the Internet, 90% of candidates don’t read job descriptions. 

So, to make the interviewer satisfied with your achievements, you need to pay attention to details. An example will further clarify this thing.

Example: “ I am a dedicated and versatile professional with a passion for content development and education. With my experience spanning various roles in editing and teaching, my ability to carefully craft an educational curriculum can work best for your institution’s growth

This question is your golden opportunity to lay down what are your strengths and what good you can bring to the company’s growth and development. With such a detailed answer, you can easily leave an impact on the interviewer and may get hired.

Question 3: Why Do You Want To Work In This Company?

When an interviewer asks why you want to work in this company or Why do you want this job, he is basically looking for your future goals that can best contribute to the company’s overall growth. To answer such a question, an employee-to-be should explore the company’s ongoing projects and any achievements it has made in the past.

This question also allows the employer to evaluate the candidate’s farsightedness and to analyse if the candidate has done some research about the company on his part.

For example:” I am really interested in the company’s innovative and distinguishing objectives to make a difference in the tech industry. Your recent project on Global Warming is very inspiring, and I would like to contribute to such an inspiring journey. Not only this, but your company’s values and directions best align with my career growth and development.”

Doing this will ensure the interviewer that you have done research on the company’s goals in-depth. As a result of that impression, chances are that half of your goal to land a job is achieved.

Question 4: How Did You Hear About This Position?

If you are looking for what are the basic interview questions, this is the one. This question is usually asked to analyse the level of transparency and honesty in the candidate. 

Therefore, if you learned about the position through an acquaintance or caught it in your job search venture, be clear and state it straight away. Doing this will let the employer know that you didn’t hide behind bushes but rather were honest and transparent in your approach. 

If you got the information through an online platform such as LinkedIn or Glassdoor, it should be stated as such.

For Example: “Though the position was also advertised on LinkedIn and GlassDoor, I have learned about it through John, a serving employe in this company. Once, we met at coffee, and I shared my hustle to job hunting, and He told me to apply for this position”

Adding extra details to the information also indicates the candidate’s openness and willingness to share his experiences. That being said, when asked the aforesaid question, the candidate is incumbent upon mentioning where exactly he learned about the position.

To not get stuck in this question, consider listening to these free courses on Coursera.

Coursera free  Interview preparation courses
Coursera Interview Preparation Courses

Question 5: What Are Your Strengths?

We also encounter this question in our daily lives. When people ask what your strengths are, they basically are booking for your abilities to manage tough situations in an efficient way. In terms of interview, this question allows the interviewer to analyse your level of self-awareness and honesty. 

Tips for job interview Highlight your strengths
Highlight Your Strengths

The tip here is to describe how you can manage stress and align with the company’s work environment. Doing this will provide you with an advantage over the interviewer. For example, you can tell one of the achievements in your previous company and how you solved problems.

Experts suggest that one should not adopt the parroting effect. Rather, to answer this question impressively, it is important to do a SWOT(Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis.

Example: “ Among all my strengths, the best is to resolve matters at hand in a timely manner. Because I know how to handle stress, my previous manager appreciated me for meeting the deadlines on time and independently debugging the code. As a result of this achievement, now I am more determined to work in an environment where I can further polish my innate skill to deal with problems entailing stress and pressure”.

Knowing how to answer this question beforehand will testify your interview preparation. For more insights into interview preparation and questions, you can also learn from this course on Coursera

what are top job interview tips
Coursera Free Course

Question 6: What Are Your Weaknesses?

So far, so good. Always remember what is your goal in an interview. To put it straight, you want to get hired. And the key to achieving that role is to be as transparent and open as you can be. So, when the interviewer asks about your weaknesses, he is trying to know how determined you are in improving yourself. Even platforms like Indeed and Glassdoor have also emphasised the importance of this question.

tips to follow for job interview

No biggie. With the right and transparent approach, you can easily answer this question. In this regard, mention your weakness that you think proves to be an obstacle but can improve. This openness will help the interviewer gauge your self-awareness and honesty.
An example will further clear this point.

Example: “I think I can’t say “No” to people. This attitude has resulted in an unbearable workload and day-to-day tasks. Although I am determined to meet tougher deadlines and complete all the tasks on time, sometimes it is better to say no for your own well-being. This consciousness has made me think about improving this habit and doing what I can do best”.

This interview tip will help you handle the tricky questions more efficiently.

Question 7: How Do You Manage Multiple Projects and Keep Yourself Organised?

This part of the interview is a bit tricky because your answer, whatever it will be, will help the interviewer analyse your capability to meet hefty deadlines under pressure. Also, the interviewer may want to know how you organise your time, use your energies, and stay productive. You can also mention how you prioritised the urgency of tasks during your career. So, the tip here is to assure the interviewer you are really good at multitasking and can do multiple projects at a time, given your ability to break projects into step-by-step approaches.

This Interview tip can surely help you distinguish yourself from the herd. Consider an example for better insights.

Example: “Given my ability to efficiently manage time and stay productive during rigorous workload, I can easily keep myself organised when multiple projects are beforehand. In my journey to become a writer, I completed hefty projects even before the deadline. This accomplishment has inculcated confidence and self-belief and further firmed my belief in Nietzsche’s philosophy: “The thing that does not kill you makes you stronger.”

Question 8: Where Do You See Yourself In 5 Years

When an interviewer asks where you see yourself in five years, he is trying to go a bit deeper in the discussion. Asking this question allows him to know how far-sighted and ambitious you are regarding your career growth and development. Many people flunk this question by providing a mediocre perspective. Experts suggest that at this stage, it’s your chance to get highlighted in the interviewer’s eye. The key is to ensure the interviewer about your clear vision and future goals that best align with the company’s objectives.

Considering the example will further make it clear.

Example: In five years, I see myself assuming greater organisational responsibilities. Because I am committed to achieving a leadership role, I am determined to develop my skills to contribute to the team’s success. Also, my goal is to delve deeper, expand my expertise in digital marketing, and take on more complex projects that could challenge my potential. Finally, I want to make this company grow, and I want to put my efforts into making that happen. 

Question 9: What Are Your Salary Expectations?

When asked about what are your salary expectations, know that the interview is approaching its end. The salary part of the interview is a bit tricky because you have to put forward your demands. It is important to note that you have to be flexible, well-researched, and well-informed about the competitive salary. Many digital platforms can be concern before walking in for the interview for salary queries. Moreover, your demand should be negotiable. The tip here is to mention the salary a bit higher so that it could be negotiated.

3 Interview Tips To Discuss Salary Package

  • Thoroghly read the job descriptions and mention the salary that is written in it.
  • The higher, the better. So, always state higher than the salary you are expecting
  • Providing range to the interviewer can also help them better analyse their budget.

Question 10: Do You Have Any Questions For Us?

do you have any questions for us?
Do you have any question for us?

This question is one of the 10 most common interview questions asked in an interview. There is always a temptation in this question to say no. But doing this will leave you blank as you won’t know what to say after an interview. So, asking questions demonstrates your interest in the position. For instance, you can ask the following questions

  • How much is the workload and day-to-day tasks?
  • What I will learn from this position?
  • Can you describe the company’s work environment?
  • How many annual leaves rae granted in the company?
  • What are the perks and privileges of this role?

Answering these job interview questions will definitely enhance your credibility. This approach will not only end the interview smoothly but will also leave an impact in the interviewer. 

Conclusion Job Interview Questions

In conclusion, an interview is said to be a joyous moment in everyone’s life. That’s why it needs to be treated as it deserves to be. Preparing for the interview before hand is the first requisite to land a job. In this article, we discussed what are the 10 most common interview questions, awaring you how to answer the ‘tell me about yourself part and the salary expectations. Following these interview tips will not only enhance your job search but also help you speed up interview preparation. To bring more quality and value to your interview preparation, do visit Eduta’s course on Interview Master class, where you will learn more advanced techniques to tackle any interview.

Frequently Asked Questions About Common Job Interview Questions

What Are The 7 Most Common Interview Questions?

The 7 most common interview questions are as follows:
Tell me about yourself
Why we should hire you?
What are your strengths?
What are your biggest weaknesses?
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
What are your salary expectations?
Do you have any questions for us?

How Do I Introduce Myself In the Interview?

You can introduce yourself in the interview by bringing up your career details, like where you worked before and what your designation was. You can also include your hustles in this part of the interview. To know more about the best interview tips, read the very first question among the 10 most common interview questions.

What Are Your Biggest Weaknesses Answer?

Your answer to your biggest weaknesses should be precise and career-oriented. For example, you can mention that you can’t say no to more projects, which is your biggest weakness. Don’t give them a reason to put you down. Be precise and to the point.


    1 Comment

  1. September 22, 2024

    Interesting thank you

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